Though Prime Video’s animated series Invincible focuses on Steven Yeun’s titular teenage superhero, the first season highlighted other, more experienced young heroes that could show Invincible the ropes. One of those characters was Atom Eve (Gillian Jacobs), who’s getting a little boost to her character ahead of the show’s second season. Not only does she now have a standalone episode focused on her origins, she’s also starring in her own video game.
Terrible Posture Games’ Invincible Presents: Atom Eve is billing itself as the “first original Invincible game,” as is a visual novel focused on Eve as she juggles between being a regular girl and a member of the Teen Team. Similar to other visual novels, the player makes choices that shape the course of the story—which, as noted by the trailer, is based on the comics created by Kirkman, Ryan Ottley, and Cory Walker, rather than the show. That’s important to note since Ubisoft’s recently revealed mobile game, Invincible: Guarding the Globe, appears to just be doing its own thing.
With these two Invincible titles, another Kirkman comic has made its way into the video game space. The Walking Dead, which he co-created with Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard, has had a variety of games over the years, with the most famous of the bunch being the multi-season Telltale’s The Walking Dead series. The last big release from that franchise was the VR game Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners 2 from late 2022. We probably won’t get a VR Invincible game, but it’s doubtful things will end at a mobile-RPG and visual novel, especially since the show seems like it’ll be going for a while.
Invincible Presents: Atom Eve will release on Steam later this year. Season two of Invincible the show will premiere November 3 on Prime Video.
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