
Circuit, an on-demand electric shuttle service, is coming to Bellevue, Wash., to provide free rides to people looking to move around the city’s downtown core.
In partnership with Visit Bellevue and Circuit, BellHop will launch on Aug. 1, shuttling passengers around an approximately 4-mile service area that includes downtown attractions, the Spring District, Bellevue Botanical Gardens, Meydenbauer Bay Park and more.
Users can request a ride using the Circuit app (iOS, Android). The cars will be available Sunday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Circuit was founded in East Hampton, N.Y., in 2011 as a way to solve the first-mile, last-mile transportation problem, with the aim of reducing demand for parking in congested areas and mitigate the number of cars on the road.
The company is now active in about 34 cities across the U.S.
Circuit raised $11 million in a Series A financing round in September. It generates revenue through service contracts with cities and private developments and via its advertising platform.
“We’ve seen a huge uptick in demand and opportunities as cities and developers pay closer attention to congestion, emissions, and efficient mobility solutions,” Circuit co-founder Alex Esposito said last year.
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