How many years is a Semicentennial? Adjective. Of or related to a 50th anniversary, occurring every 50 years.
Is Semicentennial a word? of or relating to a fiftieth anniversary. a fiftieth anniversary. the celebration of this anniversary.
How do you use Semicentennial in a sentence? Occurring every 50 years. A 50th anniversary. The city celebrated its semicentennial last year.
What is a 150 years called? Definition of sesquicentennial
: a 150th anniversary or its celebration. Other Words from sesquicentennial Example Sentences Learn More About sesquicentennial.
How many years is a Semicentennial? – Additional Questions
What is 500 years called?
Definition of quincentenary
: a 500th anniversary or its celebration.
What is a period of 75 years called?
Certain jubilees are referred to with specific names to indicate a particular anniversary. For example: silver jubilee: 25th anniversary. golden jubilee: 50th anniversary. diamond jubilee: 60th anniversary (or 75th anniversary)
What is the color for 150th anniversary?
One hundred and fifty years anniversary celebration banner in golden and silver colors.
Is there a word for 1000 years?
Since in Latin mille means “thousand”, a millennium lasts 1,000 years.
What is a 125 year jubilee called?
The word quasquicentennial, meaning ‘125th anniversary, was engineered by well, an engineer!
What is 100 year period called?
a centennial. a period of 100 years; century.
What is every 5 years called?
Definition of quinquennial
1 : consisting of or lasting for five years. 2 : occurring or being done every five years. Other Words from quinquennial Example Sentences Learn More About quinquennial.
What are 70 year olds called?
A person between 60 and 69 is called a sexagenarian. A person between 70 and 79 is called a septuagenarian. A person between 80 and 89 is called an octogenarian. A person between 90 and 99 is called a nonagenarian.
What is every 10 years called?
Definition of decennial
1 : consisting of or lasting for 10 years. 2 : occurring or being done every 10 years the decennial census. Other Words from decennial More Example Sentences Learn More About decennial.
What are 20 years called?
vicennial. / (vɪˈsɛnɪəl) / adjective. occurring every 20 years. relating to or lasting for a period of 20 years.
What is an 80 year old called?
Definition of octogenarian
: a person whose age is in the eighties The octogenarian uses a cane for walking. Other Words from octogenarian More Example Sentences Learn More About octogenarian.
What is 12 years called in English?
Anniversary |
Latin-derived term |
Other terms |
12 years |
Duodecennial |
Silk |
12 1⁄2 years |
Parsley |
13 years |
Tredecennial |
Lace |
14 years |
Quattuordecennial |
Ivory |
What are 15 years called?
of or relating to a period of 15 years or the 15th occurrence of a series, as an anniversary.
What is a 1000000 years called?
Some terms referenced do have year values assigned to them (Epoch at 1,000,000 years and Aeon at 1,000,000,000 years) but common usage relates to geological time periods which are not consistent in length.