This is the second episode in our exploration of “no-code” machine learning. In our first article, we laid out our problem set and discussed the data we would use to test whether a highly automated ML tool designed for business analysts could return cost-effective results near the quality of more code-intensive methods involving a bit more human-driven data science.
If you haven’t read that article, you should go back and at least skim it. If you’re all set, let’s review what we’d do with our heart attack data under “normal” (that is, more code-intensive) machine learning conditions and then throw that all away and hit the “easy” button.
As we discussed previously, we’re working with a set of cardiac health data derived from a study at the Cleveland Clinic Institute and the Hungarian Institute of Cardiology in Budapest (as well as other places whose data we’ve discarded for quality reasons). All that data is available in a repository we’ve created on GitHub, but its original form is part of a repository of data maintained for machine learning projects by the University of California-Irvine. We’re using two versions of the data set: a smaller, more complete one consisting of 303 patient records from the Cleveland Clinic and a larger (597 patient) database that incorporates the Hungarian Institute data but is missing two of the types of data from the smaller set.
The two fields missing from the Hungarian data seem potentially consequential, but the Cleveland Clinic data itself may be too small a set for some ML applications, so we’ll try both to cover our bases.
The plan
With multiple data sets in hand for training and testing, it was time to start grinding. If we were doing this the way data scientists usually do (and the way we tried last year), we would be doing the following:
- Divide the data into a training set and a testing set
- Use the training data with an existing algorithm type to create the model
- Validate the model with the testing set to check its accuracy
We could do that all by coding it in a Jupyter notebook and tweaking the model until we achieved acceptable accuracy (as we did last year, in a perpetual cycle). But instead, we’ll first try two different approaches:
- A “no-code” approach using AWS SageMaker Canvas: Canvas takes the data as a whole, automatically splits it into training and testing, and generates a predictive algorithm
- Another “no-/low-code” approach using SageMaker Jumpstart and AutoPilot: AutoML is a big chunk of what sits behind Canvas; it evaluates the data and tries a number of different algorithm types to determine what’s best
After that’s done, we’ll take a swing using one of the many battle-tested ML approaches that data scientists have already tried with this data set, some of which have claimed more than 90 percent accuracy.
The end product of these approaches should be an algorithm we can use to run a predictive query based on the data points. But the real output will be a look at the trade-offs of each approach in terms of time to completion, accuracy, and cost of compute time. (In our last test, AutoPilot itself practically blew through our entire AWS compute credit budget.)
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