Earlier in the year, Spy x Family debuted on Crunchyroll, and took the anime world by storm. Created by Tetsuya Endo, the delightfully strange series stars master spy Loid Forger who adopts a young girl named Anya as part of his new mission, and later gets into a fake marriage with a woman named Yor Briar to sell his cover. But here’s the twist: Yor’s an assassin, neither her or Loid knows the other’s secret, but Anya knows both of their secrets because she can read minds. With a premise like that, it’s no wonder that the show quickly becme a fan favorite, and won over basically everyone with its first batch of episodes.
Fortunately, we won’t have to wait too long for more of the Forger family, because Spy x Family is returning on October 1. Announced with a new poster drawn by character designer Kazuaki Shimada, the new episodes (or cour) will pick up with Loid, Anya, and Yor still making a go at being a real family, and part of that includes a family pet! Part of the new run of episodes will adapt the “Doggy Crisis” Arc, which will the Forgers take in a dog that has the ability to see the future, as dogs are wont to do.
The first dozen episodes of the season managed to adapt about five arcs of Endo’s manga, so it stands to reason that this dozen-episode batch should do that same. After that, we’ll just have to wait for a second season. It hasn’t been greenlit yet, but given what a success this show’s turned out to be, you can reasonably assume. And hey, maybe one day, we’ll be talking about a Spy x Family movie, since those are all the rage nowadays.
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